Artists Introduction
Workshop Description

Workshop Series
Building the Sculptural Volume

The participants of the workshop will have a hands on learning experience. They will discover aspects of the layout and construction techniques involved in building the sculptural volume from metal. They will also be learning fabrication techniques which will include welding, plasma torch cutting, grinding & sanding to create the sculptural form.

These workshops cater to All experience levels.

Everyone in the workshop will plan and produce their own small sculptural object of intrest.
There will be lessons and practice times for each individual.

To get involved, email and include the date you are interested in:

December 3-4 (photos)

Janurary 21-22 (photos)

Janurary 28-29 (photos)

Feburary 4-5 (photos)

Feburary 25-26 (photos)

June 26-28 (photos)